Monday, September 27, 2010

An Open Letter to Autumn

Dear Autumn,

Where did you go? We were all SO happy, ECSTATIC for your presence over these last few weeks. Scarves were taken out, pumpkin cupcakes were made. Last week I even dusted off my boots and looked forward to pictures in the pretty fall leaves that signal the reprieve from Sacramento's god-awfully hot summers. At Costco on Friday I even started looking at the electric blankets thinking Hmm, we might need one of those soon. I smiled at the fact that Christmas decorations already filled two aisles, and made mental notes for future purchases for making my christmas candy.  Chris and I had even been discussing what dishes we wanted to make for Thanksgiving!

Then as quickly as you arrived, you were gone. Today, at 100 degrees, I was back to sitting in my no A/C car, seriously sweating, willing the traffic lights to change just to feel the air from the windows. And I HATE sweating. Sweating is right up there just below feeling nauseous on the list of feelings that I seriously dislike.  They say tomorrow is more of the same...

Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back. The feeling that Fall brings and Fall smelling candles are the absolute best! I'm ready to build fires, carve pumpkins, bake pies and crunch in the leaves.

It's go time Autumn.

Please. Come. Back.

Eagerly awaiting your return,


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