Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Borders

I am still always surprised with how much hope and promise going into a bookstore fills me with – even one that will soon be non-existent.   We took a trip over to the soon to be closed Borders last weekend.  The “going out of business” signs cluttered the ceilings and fixtures with a forlorn air as shoppers rushed to scoop up great deals – the line longer than I’ve seen at either Borders or Barnes and Noble in a long time.  The saddest thing I realized about this trip was that I absolutely contributed it.  I actually was making a list of books that I want to read (which I think topped at least 10 books that day) – but I was making that list to go home and purchase on my Kindle.

To be fair, the major reason for this was I still have textbook trade-in cash left on my Amazon account and was too broke to buy regular books to at the moment.  I was actually pretty slow to get on the kindle bandwagon.  I thought – no these are my books, I want to be able to hold them in my hands when I read!  Smell them, bend the pages.  Just as I was slow to jump on the iPod wagon.  Who needs one of those, I thought.  Ha, Ha!

But just as I did with the iPod, I do truly love my kindle.  I love not having to hold it open when I’m reading in bed.  I love that my cover has a built in light that feeds off of the kindle’s battery.  I love that I can have multiple books on it and that the screen looks like an actual book. 

But I also will always still love books…just as CDs will always have a fond place in my heart.  Memories of stacked CDs cluttering the dining room table as my dad prepared his radio shows will always be a treasured memory and hold a soft spot for me.   As will browsing through bookstores – with all the hope and promise of finding a new story to love.

And while after attending so many writers conferences and events over the last few years as well as doing publishing internships – I have had the “e-books vs regular books” “indie bookstores vs. chain bookstores vs. Amazon” conversation more times than I care to count – the truth of the matter is:  Times are a changing.  Embrace the ebooks or don’t.  But the reality is that the way that we read is going to change and evolve quicker than we can imagine – and that’s exciting, scary and bittersweet all at the same time. 

So goodbye Borders.  Hello new chapter.  

1 comment:

  1. Aww I'm gonna miss Borders. But that's the wave of the future, unfortunately. I'm guilty of it, too. I think, though, that there are some books that are difficult to buy as e-books. I didn't buy any ebooks for my classes because it's just so much harder to annotate in the Kindle... so I sucked it up and payed more for the hard copy. (Plus, I want to look like a complete nerd when I have those sorts of books on my shelves! ha ha!)
